Reading: The Hours

Moving: hiked a bit, though neither far nor voluntarily, at Red Rocks

Watching: "Summer of Sam"

Weird Thing: That "this special island" song from "South Pacific" appeared in my head and stayed there for several minutes before something or other that RDC was watching on the laptop had that on its soundtrack. Ooooooo.

4 July 2000: SEBB

This weekend I called SEBB and left a message on her machine: "If you were a funnel in my house, where would you be?" I was first going to ask what you call that thing that you put in a smaller thing so you can pour from a larger thing, but I did remember "funnel" before I placed the call. Her answering machine didn't know, but I found it anyway and replenished the sexy kitchen bottle of olive oil from the huge vat downstairs. I'd already asked HAO and RDC about Mrs. Dalloway but they either hadn't read it or didn't remember it, so last night I called SEBB, she picked up and said "Hello?" and I started immediately with "Tell me what you know about Mrs. Dalloway."

I was going to go into a diatribe about the joys of SEBB but now I'm not. She makes me laugh, she reads, she remembers all the same vitally important stuff. I'm glad she's back.

Of course, she doesn't remember like I remember. She spoke of how it's sometimes a blessing not to be able to remember all the staggering detail I can, so it all becomes hazy with time. "Unless," I continued her unspoken thought, "you're a compulsive journal writer and deliberately take steps to remember such that the past is always accessible." Which led to my latest nickname. She'd already called me Memory of Steel and referred to my Zip-Loc Memory, but now she named me Memory Poppin' Fresh. I'm the Pillsbury Doughboy of Memory.


On a completely different note, to celebrate our Independence from Landlords today, we replaced the upstairs toilet. After boiling ourselves in lye subsequent to that charming procedure, we collapsed downstairs to watch "Summer of Sam" until HAO showed up and it was time to get her drunk (no, not really; just a glass of wine) and go to Red Rocks.

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Last modified 6 July 2000

Speak your mind: lisa[at]penguindust[dot]com

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